sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2008


Legile lui Murphy despre sex

* Cand se sting luminile, toate femeile sunt frumoase.

* Virginitatea se poate vindeca.

* Calitatile pe care o femeie le pretuieste cel mai mult la un barbat, sunt, de regula, aceleasi pe care nu le mai poate suferi dupa cativa ani.

* Inainte de a-l gasi pe Fat-Frumos, trebuie sa saruti o multime de broscoi.

* Dragostea e o problema de chimie, sexul o problema de fizica.

* Iubeste-ti aproapele, dar fii atenta sa nu fii prinsa.

* Sa nu ravnesti la femeia altuia decat daca ai chef.

* Abtine-te de la vin, cantec si femei; in special de la cantec.

* Barbatul poate fi fericit cu orice femeie, atata timp cat n-o iubeste.

* Dragostea este iluzia ca o femeie e diferita fata de celelalte.

* Nu exista nici o diferenta intre un intelept si un ignorant atunci
cand se indragostesc.

* Sexul este unul din cele noua motive pentru reincarnare; celelalte opt nu au nici o importanta.


Every Time You Go Away
Paul Young

If we can solve any problem
Then why do we lose so many tears
Oh and so you go again
When the leading man appears
Always the same thing
Can't you see
We've got everything going on and on and on

Every time you go away
You take a piece of me with you
Every time you go away
You take a piece of me with you

Go on and go free yeah
Maybe you're too close to see
I can feel your body move
It doesn't mean that much to me
I can't go on saying the same thing
Just can't you see
We've got everything do you even know we know

Every time you go away
You take a piece of me with you
Every time you go away
You take a piece of me with you

I can't go on saying the same thing
Can't you see
We've got everything going on and on and on

Every time you go away
You take a piece of me with you
Every time you go away
You take a piece of me with you